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Witold Pilecki (1901—1948)

Witold Pilecki is one of the bravest heroes of World War II. He came from  a  noble  family  of  the  Leliwa coat of arms. His grandfather, Józef Pilecki,  was  exiled  to  Siberia  for taking part in the January Uprising against Russia in 1863, and the family property in the area of  Novogrudok  (Nowogródek)  was partially confiscated. Witold Pilecki was born on 13 May 1901 in Olonets (Ołoniec),  Russia, where  his  father, Julian,  was  a  forester.  In  1910,  he moved  to  Vilnius  (Wilno)  with  his mother and siblings.


Witold Pilecki (1901—1948)

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