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Best Historical Debut of the Year in Poland’s Recent History 2021

The competition was organised by the Institute of National Remembrance and the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences.

The Best Historical Debut of the Year - 7 July 2021


The awarding ceremony for the winners of the 13th edition of the Władysław Pobóg-Malinowski competition "Best Historical Debut of the Year in Poland’s Recent History" took place on 7 July at the IPN’s “History Point” Educational Center in Warsaw (21/25 Marszałkowska Street). The competition is addressed to the authors of unpublished MA theses and doctoral dissertations devoted to the history of Poland and Poles in the 20th century.

The ceremony was attended by Jarosław Szarek, Ph.D., President of the Institute of National Remembrance, Professor Marek Kornat , Chairperson of the Competition Commission, and Professor Krzysztof Kosiński, Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences.

“This event is of great significance for the Institute of National Remembrance. It is particularly important for us to meet you, the people who are just starting their career. The Institute deals with the past, but the future will depend on you,” said the President of the Institute during the ceremony.

Referring to the awarded works, Jaroslaw Szarek also talked about the hope placed in new generations of historians. ”Władysław Pobóg-Malinowski, the Patron of the Prize, one of the greatest Polish historians spent long years working in exile. Preserving Polish identity takes effort, learning takes effort. Tremendous effort went into writing your theses and I hope you will never try to avoid effort. We can look to the future with optimism because you are here now,” he added. In conclusion, the President stressed the importance of long-term cooperation between the Institute of National Remembrance and the Polish Academy of Sciences. He also referred to numerous joint publications and conferences, and mentioned a new edition of The Bibliography of the History of Poland.

In his speech M. Kornat emphasized the high level of the awarded works and their broad thematic scope: from the times of the Second Polish Republic, through the years of World War II, to the period of the Polish People's Republic. He also noted that despite the recently established various historical awards, the competition for the “Best Historical Debut of the Year in Poland’s Recent History” still enjoys high prestige, and its central idea to award outstanding works written by young historians remains valid.


In the last year’s edition, 30 MA theses and doctoral dissertations were submitted. The prize-winners are:

Doctoral dissertations:

Adam Radosław Suławka, Prasa rosyjska i rosyjskojęzyczna w II Rzeczypospolitej (19181939) [The Russian and Russian-laungage press in the Second Polish Republic (1920–1939)] – the 1st prize;

Radosław Budzyński, Gustaw Manteuffel (18321916). Życie i dzieło w świetle wybranych polskich archiwaliów [Gustaw Manteuffel (1832–1916). Life and work in the light of selected Polish archival materials] – the 2nd prize;

Witold Konopka, Dzieje Kościoła katolickiego w Toruniu w latach 1945-1992 [The History of the Catholic Church in Toruń in the years 1945–1992] – an honorable mention;

Leszek Molendowski, Zakony męskie diecezji chełmińskiej w II Rzeczypospolitej (19201939) [Fraternal Orders of the Chełmno Diocese in the Second Polish Republic (1920–1939)] – an honorable mention.

MA theses:

Monika Maria Makowska, Doświadczenie frontu Wielkiej Wojny, tułaczki na Murmań i zetknięcia się z bolszewizmem na podstawie biografii polskich żołnierzy-literatów. Bogusław Szul-Skjöldkrona (1895-1920) i Eugeniusz Korwin Małaczewski (1897?–1922) [Experience of the Great War front, wandering up to Murmań and encountering Bolshevism based on the biographies of Polish literary soldiers. Bogusław Szul-Skjöldkrona (1895-1920) and Eugeniusz Korwin Małaczewski (1897?–1922)] – the 2nd prize (ex aequo);

Mateusz Radomski, Margines społeczny w Zagłębiu Dąbrowskim w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym [The margins of society in Zagłębie Dąbrowskie in the interwar period] – the 2nd prize (ex aequo);

Tomasz Korban, Stosunki polsko-brytyjskie w latach 19711980 w świetle polskich źródeł dyplomatycznych [Polish-British relations in the years 1971–1980 in the light of Polish diplomatic sources] – an honorable mention;

Michał Michniewicz, Działalność partii politycznych w powiecie sanockim w latach 19181939 [Political parties in the Sanok district in the years 1918–1939] – an honorable mention;

Klaudia Paulina Kierepka, Służba archiwalna Armii Polskiej we Francji w latach II wojny światowej [Archival Service of the Polish Army in France during World War II] – an honorable mention.





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