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President of the Institute of National Remembrance with a visit to Moscow

Meeting with Mikhail Fedotov
Press conference
Visit in the Memorial Society.
Meeting with Arseniy Roginskij, Chairman of the Memorial Society.
Lecture in the Memorial Society.

On 4 April dr. Łukasz Kamiński, the President of the Institute of National Remembrance met in Moscow with Mikhail Fedotov, Chairman of the Presidential Council for Development of Civil Society and Human Rights. The meeting was attended by members of the Council: Sergei Karaganov, and Sergei Krivenko as well as Arseniy Roginskij, Chairman of the Memorial Society, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Moscow, His Excellency Wojciech Zajączkowski. Council representatives were interested in the Polish experience related to dealing with of the past, and in particular the problem of access to archival materials, persecution the perpetrators of the crimes and issues related to education. They also presented the action program for historical memory, which was created by the committee of the Council.

Dr. Lukasz Kaminski also visited the new headquarters of Memorial and met with representatives of the Society. Matters related to the organization of internship visits of representatives of Memorial in IPN and possible joint ventures in the field of education were also discussed.

Next on the agenda for the President of the IPN was a lecture on the role of the Institute in Polish public life. His ideas met with great interest of the representatives (from the academic as well as media circles) gathered in the seat of Memorial Society. At the invitation of the hosts, dr Kamiński’s lecture was reviewed by Sergei Kovalev (former chairman of the Human Rights Commission under the President of Russian Federation), prof. Sergei Ivanov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Boris Dubin - Head of Social and Political Studies in the Levada Center, prof. Teodor Shanin - President of the Moscow School of Social Sciences and Economics, and representatives of the Memorial - Alexander Gurjanov and Nikita Petrov.During a visit to Moscow, President of the IPN also met with Polish media correspondents, and gave an interview to the newspaper "Vedomosti".

This story is also on the Council for Civil Society Development and Human Rights website at: www.president-sovet.ru/news/2360/

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