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Rather die than betray the cause. The Gestapo Detention Center at Aleja Szucha 25

25 Aleja Szucha  (25 Szucha Avenue) - during the German occupation of Poland 1939–1945 it was the seat of the Office of the Commander of the Security Police and Security Service of the Warsaw District, a Gestapo detention center - the place of execution of thousands of Poles, Jews and representatives of other nationalities - was located in the basement of the building. After the war, the Mausoleum of Struggle and Martyrdom was established here, and in 2008, a modern multimedia exhibition was installed. It is one of the few places in Warsaw where prison cells with inscriptions carved out by prisoners have survived almost intact.

The publication presents the history of the detention center and 63 biographies of people imprisoned there, among them military officers and civilians, soldiers of the Home Army, scouts of the Gray Ranks, members of armed and political organizations, liaison officers, the Silent-Unseen, representatives of many professions. The publication has been documented with over 100 archival photos.

Witold Żarnowski, Rather die than betray the causeThe Gestapo Detention Center at Aleja Szucha 25 [Raczej zginąć, niż zdradzić sprawę. Areszt śledczy gestapo w al. Szucha 25], IPN, Muzeum Niepodległości, Warszawa 2021, 168 s ., ISBN 978‑83‑8229‑103‑2, ISBN 978‑83‑8229‑104‑9 

The publication is not intended for sale

Rather die than betray the cause. The Gestapo Detention Center at Aleja Szucha 25

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