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The ‘Past/Future Review’ with the participation of representatives of the Institute of National Remembrance

The Janusz Kurtyka Foundation organized a series of events under the collective name: ’Past/Future Review’. The events took place on 27–29 August 2021 at the Józef Piłsudski Museum in Sulejówek and in Warsaw.

The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021
The ‘Past/Future Review’ , Sulejówek, Warsaw; 27–29 August 2021

The review consisted of, among others, a conference devoted to the topic of commemorating the Holocaust along with an accompanying exhibition, the presentation of the Janusz Kurtyka awards in the ’Past/Future " Competition, as well as a series of debates referring to individual categories in the competition.

The review was attended by representatives of the Institute of National Remembrance, including the IPN’s Deputy President Karol Polejowski, Ph.D., D.Sc, and Mateusz Szpytma, Ph.D.

The first day (27 August) of the event was devoted to debates related to the competition categories. The first, entitled "Public diplomacy and concern for the good name of Poland abroad", was attended by Joanna Dyduch Ph.D., D.Sc, a Professor of the Jagiellonian University and a political scientist specializing in, inter alia, the topic of Polish-Israeli relations; Hanna Radziejowska, the Head of the Pilecki Institute branch in Berlin and Andrzej Szabaciuk, Ph.D. (KUL, IES), an expert in international relations in the post-Soviet area.

Prof. Krzysztof Malicki, (Rzeszów University), a sociologist specializing in, inter alia, collective memory; Maciej Korkuć, Ph.D., the Head of the IPN’s Branch Office for Commemorating the Struggle and Martyrdom in Cracow, whose scholarly interests focus on the history of totalitarianism and Piotr Oleńczak, Ph.D., plenipotentiary of the Masovian Voivode for Combatants and Repressed Persons, expert and popularizer of the history of the Modlin fortress, as well as the regional history of Mazovia, took part in a debate on “Local Commemorations”(history, locality, remembrance).

The participants of the third debate spoke about "Traditional and innovative memory – book keepers versus innovative forms of historical education". They were: Tomasz Makowski, Ph.D., the Director of the National Library; Marek Szymaniak, Ph.D., the Head of the Research and Education department of the Museum of the Second World War and Andrzej Mietkowski, the Head of the team of special projects at the National Library.

On the same day in the evening, a conference entitled "Candles in our hands. Positive aspects of the impact of the achievements of Polish research centers and museums in the sphere of preserving Holocaust memorials, on Polish-Jewish relations ”. The conference, interpreted into English, was addressed to Polish and American audiences. Papers were delivered by: Sebastian Piątkowski, Ph.D.,D.Sc,  and Aleksandra Namysło, Ph.D. representing the Institute of National Remembrance and Piotr Setkiewicz, Ph.D. from the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum. After the lectures, the speakers took part in a debate.

The highlight of the second day, and at the same time the entire review, was the gala during which the Janusz Kurtyka awards (fourth and fifth) were presented. The international promotion of the publications awarded in the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Competition was summed up. The Janusz Kurtyka Prize was created in order to promote the best books by Polish historians worldwide.

In the 4th edition of the Competition, the award went to Prof. Andrzej Nowak for the book Pierwsza zdrada Zachodu 1920 – zapomniany appeasement. [The First Betrayal of the West 1920 - Forgotten Appeasement]. The distinction in this edition was awarded to Bogusław Kopka, Ph.D.,D.Sc. for the book Gułag nad Wisłą. Komunistyczne obozy pracy w Polsce 1944–1956. [Gulag on the Vistula River. Communist Labor Camps in Poland 1944–1956].

The winner of the award in the 5th edition of the Competition was Sławomir Dębski, Ph.D. for the book Między Berlinem a Moskwą. Stosunki niemiecko-sowieckie 1939–1941 [Between Berlin a Moscow. German-Soviet relations 19391941], and the distinction in this edition was awarded to Prof. Marek Kornat for his work entitled Polska 1939 roku wobec Paktu Ribbentrop-Mołotow. Problem zbliżenia niemiecko-sowieckiego w polityce zagranicznej II Rzeczypospolitej. [Poland in 1939 in the light of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The Problem of German-Soviet Ties in the Foreign Policy of the Second Polish Republic.]

During the gala, prizes in the Past / Future Competition were awarded for the first time in the following categories:

 "Local Commemoration" - to honor initiatives, such as plaques, monuments, signposts, tombstones commemorating Polish history and heroes.

The award in this category was presented to Dominik Szulc, Ph.D. for revealing the burial places of Polish soldiers from the World War II in Kraśnik and their commemoration as well as for his research on the German labor camp in Kraśnik and for commemorating its victims and the officers of the 24th Regiment of Ulans from Kraśnik. The award was presented to the laureate by the Deputy President of the Institute of National Remembrance, Karol Polejowski.

“Public diplomacy and concern for the good name of Poland abroad ” to honor initiatives promoting Polish history abroad.

The award was given to Janusz Sporek for his activities focused on protecting the Katyn Monument in Jersey City, as well as popularizing Polish culture and consolidating the Polish diaspora in the United States.

"Book Keepers" to honor those initiatives of booksellers, antiquarians, librarians and publishers which contribute to the promotion or commemoration of Polish history.

The winner was Zbigniew Markert for the publication of the series „Zarys historii wojennej pułków polskich w kampanii wrześniowej” [An Outline of the War History of Polish Regiments in the September Campaign], which thanks to the discussed issues gained recognition among war veterans, their families and scholars.

"Innovative Forms of Historical Education" - to honor initiatives promoting Polish history through non-standard methods of education, adapted to the needs of the contemporary recipient.

The award was presented to Łukasz Grzesiak for creating online film materials focused on the Polish Army before the outbreak of World War II. The laureate's students were also involved in the initiative as the actors.

Moreover, Jarosław Szarek – the former President of the IPN (2016–2021), Filip Frąckowiak and Adam Kalita were the laureates of this year’s "Friend of the Foundation” category.









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