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Opening of the European Solidarity Centre – Gdańsk, 31 August 2014

Opening of the European Solidarity Centre with the participation of the President of the Institute of National Remembrance Dr. Łukasz Kamiński – Gdańsk, 31 August 2014

31 August 2014 marks the 34. anniversary of the signing of the Gdańsk Agreement. This symbolic date has also been chosen for the opening of the European Solidarity Centre. A delegation from the IPN participated in the second day of the celebrations, the President of the Institute of National Remembrance, Dr. Łukasz Kamiński held a speech in the Gdańsk Shipyard.

The President of the Republic of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski officially opened the new headquarters of the ESC. More information can be found on the website of the European Solidarity Centre http://www.ecs.gda.pl/.

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