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Facebook’s excuse to gag the IPN was a true gag

It is the third time in seven months that Facebook has interfered with the IPN’s accounts and activities, and the censors got in their crosshairs the content that was not even remotely close to offensive.

The ban on the IPN's Fb account

In the summer of 2020, the website’s algorithms zeroed in on two posts about the Polish Underground’s plans to assassinate Hitler. Next, in January this year, they fixated on the documentary about a children’s camp the Germans set up in Łódź; finally, in early February, they targeted a text about denationalization of Polish children, posted on the Institute’s English-language account seven months before.

The penalties for these imaginary violations aggravated, in inverse proportion to the "offence” severity: from cutting organic and viral reach and completely disabling the paid one, to blocking the foreign promotion of the video, to total account ban.

In that latest case, the official reason was violation of "policy on dangerous individuals and organizations,”, which, after four days, became an "error of automated tools", when the access to the account was restored following several protests from all directions. Clearly, the "automated tools" need some serious calibrating, or it is the freedom of speech, democratically granted to individuals and organizations, that might be in grave danger here.

All in all, the truth must be told, and the Institute of National Remembrance will continue its mission of educating the public on Polish history through the social media, hoping that neither Facebook nor anyone else will try to gag us again.  

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