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Correcting the Picture? Some Reflections on the Use of Sources in "Night without an End. The Fate of Jews in Selected Counties of Occupied Poland."

Correcting the Picture? Some Reflections on the Use of Sources in "Night without an End. The Fate of Jews in Selected Counties of Occupied Poland."


Correcting the Picture? Some Reflections on the Use of Sources in Night without an End. The Fate of Jews in Selected Counties of Occupied Poland authored by Tomasz Domański Ph.D., is the first in a series of reviews prepared by the Institute of National Remembrance on the two-volume book Night without an End. The Fate of Jews in Selected Counties of Occupied Poland edited by Barbara Engelking and Jan Grabowski. It was created as a result of numerous inquiries from people interested in this subject, directed to the Institute of National Remembrance. 


The book Correction Continued?  is a continuation of the investigation by Domański in the area of analysis and interpretation of archival sources presented in Night without an End. In this review, the author quotes and discusses examples of over-interpretation (also in the area of commenting on existing literature), falsifications or the lack of a critical approach to the source material and building further myths and groundless theses on this basis. The new findings by Domański  confirm and reinforce his final observations contained in Correcting the Picture?: "Many of the phenomena and events mentioned should be described anew, taking into account the realities of the occupation and a thorough analysis of the sources".

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