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The laureates of the IPN's prizes in 2020

The laureates of the "Semper Fidelis Prize , 3 November 2020; photo by Sławek Kasper

The laureates of the ”Semper Fidelis” Prize 2020

The announcement of the laureates of this year’s edition of the “Semper Fidelis” prize took place on 3 November 2020 (Tuesday), at 12:00 a.m., during a press conference at the IPN’s Janusz Kurtyka Educational Center in Warsaw. The “Semper Fidelis” prize, established by the Institute of National Remembrance, is awarded to persons, institutions and organizations active in commemorating the heritage of the Polish Eastern Borderlands.

  • Fr. Roman Twaróg
  • Fr. Jan Purwiński
  • Waldemar Szełkowski
  • Iness Todryk-Pisalnik oraz Andrzej Pisalnik
  • Dora Kacnelson
  • Stanisław Srokowski 



Winners of the IPN’s "Custodian of National Memory" Prize named

The winners of the 19th edition of the "Custodian of National Memory" Prize, established by the Institute of National Remembrance, were announced at the IPN’s Educational Center in Warsaw. The event was attended by the President of the Institute of National Remembrance, Jarosław Szarek Ph.D. The main idea behind the prize is to restore respect for the nation’s past and protect the values ​which saw Poland through the years of totalitarian enslavement. The Institute wants to honour individuals and organizations for their efforts in commemorating Polish history. 

  • Kazimierz Cholewa
  • Wasyl Haniewicz
  • Komitet Pamięci Gusen
  • Andrzej Pityński (1947–2020)
  • Wojciech Ziembiński (1925–2001)

The IPN’s „Witness of History” Award granted (international edition)

This year, the Institute of National Remembrance has awarded this honorary distinction to three individuals and three organisations from abroad. 

The „Witness of History” Award is an honorary distinction established in March 2009 by the President of the Institute of National Remembrance. It is granted to individuals and organizations in recognition of their outstanding contribution to commemorating the history of the Polish Nation and supporting the IPN in its statutory activities in the field of education and research.

  • Fundacja Dobroczynności i Pomocy „Dom Kultury Polskiej W Wilnie” [The Charity and Aid Foundation "House of Polish Culture in Vilnius"] (Lithuania)
  • Teruo Matsumoto (Japan)
  • Miejscowe Koło Polskiego Związku Kulturalno-Oświatowego Cierlicko-Kościelec w Republice Czeskiej (Czechy) [The Local Circle of the Polish Cultural and Educational Association in Cierlicko-Kościelec ] (Czechia)
  • Muzeum Izba Polska [The Polish Baarack Museum in Taagerup] (Denmark)
  • Frans C. K. Ruczynski (the Netherlands)
  • János Tischler (Hungary)



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