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The statement of the Institute of National Remembrance in relation to the article by President Putin

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/4263,The-statement-of-the-Institute-of-National-Remembrance-in-relation-to-the-articl.html


The Institute of National Remembrance strongly protests against the new wave of blurring the traces of the Katyn Massacre by the authorities of today's Russia (TWER)

In the spring of 1940, the Soviet Union, acting against the most elementary principles of civilized humanity, murdered almost 22,000 officers of the Polish Army and other Polish uniformed formations. They were prisoners of war captured by Soviet aggressors during the invasion of Poland, carried out by the USSR together with the German Reich in September 1939.

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/4125,The-Institute-of-National-Remembrance-strongly-protests-against-the-new-wave-of-.html


Information from the Institute of National Remembrance on documents published by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on 17 January 2020

On the 75th anniversary of the Soviet army's entry into the thoroughly destroyed Warsaw, the Ministry of Defense of Russia published a set of selected documents from Russian archives.

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/3543,Information-from-the-Institute-of-National-Remembrance-on-documents-published-by.html


Statement by the Institute of National Remembrance in connection with the attempts to manipulate history on the anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

In the interwar period, the Republic of Poland was vitally interested in maintaining peace on the European continent. It concluded two non-aggression pacts with both totalitarian neighbours: in 1932 (with the USSR) and in 1934 (with the German Reich). Both agreements meant renunciation of war in mutual relations. In this way Poland intended to consolidate peace and existing borders, the Polish-German and the Polish-Soviet one.

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/2212,Statement-by-the-Institute-of-National-Remembrance-in-connection-with-the-attemp.html


A statement of the Institute of National Remembrance in connection with the remarks of the President of the Russian Federation on the subject of World War II and its causes

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/3270,A-statement-of-the-Institute-of-National-Remembrance-in-connection-with-the-rema.html


Statement on the historical materials posted on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:http://pakt1939.mil.ru

The archival documents published on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense come from the resources of the CAMO (Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) and are announced to relate to the Soviet-German non-aggression pact and to "completely flip traditional notions about the impending «storm» and the reasons for signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact ".

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/2365,Statement-on-the-historical-materials-posted-on-the-website-of-the-Ministry-of-D.html





Statement on the crimes committed by the German Reich in occupied Poland and on the false information appearing in public

Public dissemination of counter-factual information on the number of Jews killed by Polish people outside the ghettos between 1942–1945, alongside with false generalisations regarding the perpetrators of those crimes is an increasingly frequent phenomenon.

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/4245,Statement-on-the-crimes-committed-by-the-German-Reich-in-occupied-Poland-and-on-.html


The IPN’s statement in response to a media attack on Tomasz Domański Ph.D., a scholar from the Institute of National Remembrance

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/4092,The-IPNs-statement-in-response-to-a-media-attack-on-Tomasz-Domanski-PhD-a-schola.html


Statement by the Council of the Institute of National Remembrance of 28 April 2020

On 25 April 2020, Jewish.pl published a text by Prof. Jan Grabowski "NacjonalistycznaofensywanatemathistoriiZagłady" [Nationalist offensive on the history of the Holocaust]. This text contains ungrounded attacks upon the Institute of National Remembrance, the Warsaw Ghetto Museum, and the person of Tomasz Domański, Ph.D., author of reflections on the book Dalej jest noc.

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/4098,Statement-by-the-Council-of-the-Institute-of-National-Remembrance-of-28-April-20.html


Statement by the Institute of National Remembrance

In answer to the feature En France, 54 personnesperçoivent encore une pension pour avoircollaboré avec le régimenazi [In France 54 persons still receive monthly pensions for the collaboration with the Nazi regime] of 22 February 2019 at: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sciences/histoire/en-france-54-personnes-percoivent-encore-une-pension-pour-avoir-collabore-avec-le-regime-nazi_3202961.html,

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/1603,Statement-by-the-Institute-of-National-Remembrance.html


The Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration of Baden-Württemberg denies the press reports on the collaboration with the Nazi regime

On 22 February 2019 there appeared an article entitled In France 54 persons still receive monthly pensions for the collaboration with the Nazi regime [En France, 54 personnesperçoivent encore une pension pour avoircollaboré avec le régimenazi ], which is available at: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sciences/histoire/en-france-54-personnes-percoivent-encore-une-pension-pour-avoir-collabore-avec-le-regime-nazi_3202961.html The article suggests that some Poles receive such benefits from Germany.

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/1993,The-Ministry-of-Social-Affairs-and-Integration-of-Baden-Wrttemberg-denies-the-pr.html


Statement by the Institute of National Remembrance on German benefits received by Poles

The official response of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration of North Rhine-Westphalia regarding pensions allegedly being paid to Polish collaborators by Germany is crowning evidence of French press reports on the subject being untrue and misleading. In the light of communications from both German ministries, this is unacceptable. In such a case journalistic diligence would require clarification not only by franceinfo, but also by the cited Agence France Presse.

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/2446,Statement-by-the-Institute-of-National-Remembrance-on-German-benefits-received-b.html


Statement by the IPN on the article published by Der Tagesspiegel

Polemic against the article by Grzegorz Rossolinski-Liebe: Research on collaboration. Obedientofficialsandgangsofmurderers (Forschung zu Kollaborateuren. Willfährige Beamte und Mörderbanden, „Der Tagesspiegel”, 20 VIII 2019)

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/2484,Statement-by-the-IPN-on-the-article-published-by-Der-Tagesspiegel.html


The criminal nature of the German occupation of Poland 1939-1945. Standpoint of the Institute of National Remembrance

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/1048,The-criminal-nature-of-the-German-occupation-of-Poland-1939-1945-Standpoint-of-t.html





Statement by the Council of the Institute of National Remembrance - Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation of 26 May 2020

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/4173,Statement-by-the-Council-of-the-Institute-of-National-Remembrance-Commission-for.html


The investigation of the IPN’s Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation, Cracow Branch into the killings of Polish citizens on the Czechoslovak-Austrian and Czechoslovak-German border

The Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation, Cracow Branch is conducting an investigation into the killings of Polish citizens who in the years 1949–1989, during their planned escape from Poland to Western Europe, attempted to cross the Czechoslovak-Austrian and Czechoslovak-German border.

Read more: https://ipn.gov.pl/en/news/4188,The-investigation-of-the-IPNs-Commission-for-the-Prosecution-of-Crimes-against-t.html


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