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Clarification of untrue information appearing in Maciej Stasiński's article on the Wyborcza.pl portal

On 26 April 2020 an article entitled IPN i ambasada w Berlinie informują Niemców, kto obalił komunę: Kornel Morawiecki [The IPN and the Polish Embassy in Berlin inform the Germans that it was Kornel Morawiecki who overthrew the communist regime] (https://wyborcza.pl/7,75399,25899628,ipn-i-ambasada-w-berlinie-informuja-niemcow-kto-obalil-komune.html ), authored by Maciej Stasiński was published on the Wyborcza.pl portal.


In connection with the abovementioned publication, it is with pleasure that the Institute of National Remembrance recognizes the fact that, with every activity commemorating or reminiscent of the struggle of Poles with the communist regime (especially when it comes to such distinguished figures as Kornel Morawiecki),  it is the IPN that is the first institution to come to mind with regard to such endeavors. Indeed, it is not easy to find a project regarding the history of this period having been created without the IPN’s contribution.

In this case, however, in no way did the Institute participate in the preparation and organization of the exhibition “Zanim upadł Berliński Mur…”. [Before the Berlin Wall Went Down]. The text by Maciej Stasiński contains false information.

Having said that, we would like to ask Maciej Stasiński if he could provide us with the source he used when writing this false article.

Please be advised that the outdoor exhibition opened on 1 December 2019 in Berlin was created thanks to the "Pamięć nie umiera" Foundation.


Adam Stefan Lewandowski

acting spokesperson for the IPN

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