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The ceremony in tribute to the victims of communist repressions held and tortured at Villa Jasny Dom - Warsaw, 27 February

The ceremony at the former headquarters of Military Information in the Villa Jasny Dom at 2 Świerszcza Street was attended by Prof. Krzysztof Szwagrzyk, Deputy President of the Institute of National Remembrance, and Magdalena Głowa, Director General of the Institute of National Remembrance.


Speeches were given in front of the plaque dedicated to the victims of Soviet repression who had been held in this building. After a joint prayer, the participants laid flowers.


The event, in connection with the celebrations of the National Day of Remembrance of the Cursed Soldiers, was organized by the Villa Jasny Dom Foundation and the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression.


In the period from February to October 1945, the tenement house in Warsaw at 2 Świerszcza Street was the seat of the Information Board of the Polish Army. Prison cells were arranged in its basements, and interrogation rooms and offices were located on the upper floors. According to historians of the Institute of National Remembrance, over a thousand women and men, including Home Army soldiers, were detained here. Traces of the grim past of the cellars are preserved to this day in the form of inscriptions on brick walls, line calendars and doors with characteristic eyholes cut out.

 The most striking ones are the pleading inscriptions: "Jesus, save us", with the cross carved above it, and "Mother of God, Our Guardian, Save us", which testify to the inhuman conditions and the cruel treatment of prisoners by the people's political police. Although the walls are constantly "screaming", very few people are aware of the drama that took place in the basement of the Villa Jasny Dom.

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