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Statement by the Institute of National Remembrance on German benefits received by Poles

The official response of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration of North Rhine-Westphalia regarding pensions allegedly being paid to Polish collaborators by Germany is crowning evidence of French press reports on the subject being untrue and misleading. In the light of communications from both German ministries, this is unacceptable. In such a case journalistic diligence would require clarification not only by franceinfo, but also by the cited Agence France Presse.

It would also require a public apology addressed to Polish citizens, especially the beneficiaries presented as former collaborators, for whom similar insinuations are particularly offensive.


In the article En France, 54 personnes perçoivent encore une pension pour avoir collaboré avec le régime nazi [In France, 54 people still receive pensions for their cooperation with the Nazi regime], published on 22 February, 2019 at franceinfo: https: // www.francetvinfo.fr/sciences/histoire/en-france-54-personnes-percoivent-encore-une-pension-pour-avoir-collabore-avec-le-regime-nazi_3202961.html, one can read that Germany is still paying benefits to former collaborators of the Third German Reich from around the world, Poland reportedly being a country with the largest group of beneficiaries, amounting to 573 people.

Meanwhile, both ministries of labour of the German Federal States clearly stated that the benefits they pay to Polish citizens (Baden-Württemberg - 300, and Rhineland-Westphalia - 260) are received by people who have suffered due to performing military or paramilitary service, civilian victims or families of victims under the Act on social assistance to war victims - Bundesversorgungsgesetz (BVG). Persons (and their families) who have been proven guilty of war crimes or crimes against humanity are deprived of any rihts to benefits.

The franceinfo editors also manipulate the viewer by posting a photo of a large swastika suggesting that collaboration with the Nazis is being discussed. The author of the article distorts the nature of benefits paid, depicting factual war victims as perpetrators, while citing data obtained from Agence France Presse.

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