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Cooperation of the Institute of National Remembrance with the Polsh Museum in Rapperswil

The cooperation agreement between the Institute of National Remembrance and the Polish Museum in Rapperswil was signed on 31 January 2013 in Warsaw. However, the beginnings of joint activities date back to earlier years, when thanks to the efforts of, among others, Janusz Kurtyka, President of the Institute of National Remembrance in the years 2005-2010, contacts were established.


The aim of cooperation between the two institutions is the edition of the sources owned by the Polish Museum in Rapperswil and the IPN, as well as the digitization of archival collections located in the resources of the Polish Museum in Rapperswil (including elaboration, description, maintenance and scanning) and joint scientific and research projects .

So far, as part of the cooperation, documents belonging to the legacy of Jerzy Stempowski, General Bronisław Prugar-Ketling, Józef Mackiewicz, Barbara Toporska-Mackiewicz, Zbigniew Rapacki, Louise Rapacka-Coisnier, Kazimierz Vincenz and Halszka née Poniatowska have been acquired by the Archives of the IPN. In addition, the IPN resources have been enriched with the documentation of the Polish Technicians and Engineers Association in Switzerland and the documentation from the resource "Internees. Souvenirs - traces of the interned", a collection of photographs and documents of the 2nd Infantry Division. In total, 1309 archival units were obtained, which is 1,43205 digital files.

Another result of the Institute's cooperation with the Polish Museum in Rapperswil is the project "Polish roads through Switzerland", restoring the memory of the soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Division, who after the campaign in France in 1940-1945 were interned in Switzerland. As part of the project, a large, bilingual photo album Polskie drogi przez Szwajcarię. Losy żołnierzy 2. Dywizji Strzelców Pieszych  1940–1945  na  fotografiach  ze zbiorów  Muzeum  Polskiego  w  Rapperswilu / Auf  Polenwegen  durch  die  Schweiz.  Die Schicksalsjahre  1940-1945  im  Leben  der Soldaten der 2. Schützendivision, dargestellt in den  Fotografien  aus  den  Beständen  des Polenmuseums  in  Rapperswil, showing various aspects of the activities and everyday life of Polish soldiers, as well as their connections with the Swiss, was edited.


A portal created by employees of the Digital Resources Department of the IPN Archives was also created. This on-line archive (address: http://archiwum.muzeum-polskie.org/) provides an online access to materials about Polish soldiers interned in Switzerland.

A portal and the album Polish Roads through Switzerland ... together with the exhibition by the same title were presented at the 37th session of the Standing Conference of Museums, Libraries and Archives in the West, which was held in Rapperswil from 2 to 6 September 2015.

The Polish Museum in Rapperswil is the winner of the IPN Custodian of the National Memory Prize (2015), awarded for its particularly active participation in commemorating the history of the Polish Nation in 1939-1989, and for public activity coinciding with the statutory goals of the IPN.


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