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The Katyn Massacre of 1940. Extermination of the Polish Elite.

The exhibition prepared by the IPN’s National Education Office in Kraków  -

The Katyn Massacre of 1940. Extermination of the Polish Elite.


Authors: Dr Monika Komaniecka-Łyp, Michał Masłowski, Dr Paweł Nalezniak,

Graphic concept: Aleksandra Kaiper-Miszułowicz

Layout: Piotr Żyłko

Content-related review: Katarzyna Kyc, Dr Paweł Skubisz

Graphic review: Karol Czechowicz

Photo: Katyn Mother of God, Linocut by Danuta Staszewska “Madonna of the Murdered”

The Katyn Massacre of 1940. Extermination of the Polish Elite.

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