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General Władysław Anders. Deeds and Remembrance

  • General Władysław Anders. Deeds and Remembrance
    General Władysław Anders. Deeds and Remembrance

Jerzy Kirszak, Bogusław Polak, Michał Polak, General Władysław Anders. Deeds and Remembrance, Warszawa 2024, 608 s., ISBN 978-83-8229-965-6

This album accompanies the Trails of Hope The Odyssey of Freedom project and is dedicated to General Władysław Anders, whose figure is forever associated with the exodus of our compatriots from the inhuman Soviet land and with the conquest of Monte Cassino by the 2nd Polish Corps under his command. It also documents the lesser-known efforts of this great leader to restore Poland’s right to determine its own destiny after the war and to become completely independent from the power of the Soviet Union.

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