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"Save them from Oblivion": new objectives and audiovisual and photography projects

Audiovisual records in the IPN's Archive

On 27 October at the Institute’s Janusz Kurtyka Educational Center in Warsaw, the IPN’s Archive is holding a conference focused on new projects related to audio, video and photographic resources, as well as initiatives aimed at acquiring new archival records. Due to the limitations caused by the current pandemic situation, the organizers are encouraging online participation (available on the IPNtv channel).

27 October is the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, established to make societies aware of the exceptional role that audio, video and photographic records play in documenting the crucial events and civilizational background of the 19th and 20th centuries. It was the invention of sound and image recording that pushed our knowledge and understanding of the past way beyond what we had learned about the earlier eras.

Conference participants are in for an array of lectures regarding that field of archival science: they will, for instance, be told details of the renovation of old films, learn about the role of sound and image in the social archives, be briefed about ways of acquiring resources from private and foreign collections, and hear about new development directions and challenges that the audio, video and photography archivists face. 

Marzena Kruk, the Director of the IPN’s Archive, is to open the conference at 10 a.m.

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